Trying to grow my business, I have started a postcard mailing featuring some of my best recipes. I bought some extras, too, to send to ones I want to add or to leave when I door knock. Yes, I door knock. I am a proud door knocker and I will be doing it today, and soon.
August's postcard is a recipe for my gingerbread cookies. August's enewsletter is a recipe for Cherry Walnut coffee cake. September's postcard will be for Cherry-Walnut Coffee cake and the enewsletter I haven't decided yet. I need to coordinate them to be the same...will do that for October.
Man, I have a lot to do today, but I really wanted to share a few pictures I took this morning of our lovely fairgrounds---
Sometimes (even when its crazy) you need to stop and appreciate the finer, simpler things in life. I had to include the pic of Frank from the other day, too. That was also taken at the fairgrounds...he's always looking for something there!