Saturday, October 22, 2016

I'm living- Dental issues after cancer- reposted from my Leukemia blog

Yep.  It can happen.
It is happening to me.

Last night, my mom asked if it was from the cancer, chemo, or just from my genes/oral hygiene.  I have a feeling its a combo of all of that.
But, can I express that I had daily chemo and lots of it...both IV and orally.  During that time, I used a sponge or a baby toothbrush (no joke) and could not floss or use listerine.  I only used Biotene when I could tolerate the taste (let's make that another topic for another day).  The chemo's main goal was to kill off my blood production so my bone marrow would reset, so to speak.  I would stop making platelets, hemoglobins, and especially we wanted my ANC to drop to as close to zero as possible.  I really feel this played a big part in my dental issues today.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

I'm expanding to a new blog this year.

Tomorrow, I turn 40.  Ha, I almost wrote 30.
Today is the last day of my thirties, and the timing couldn't be better.
I've decided to expand to another blog where I promise to write daily the next 365 days (or at least try to).  I want to document 40 for my siblings and to look back on down the road.

Stay tuned, the good posts will also come here, to my general catch-all.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

From my Cancer Blog-- Shannen Doherty has Breast Cancer that spread. Personal thoughts-- hang in there girl!

The article popped in my feed on Facebook and Yahoo! the last few days.  Shannen Doherty has breast cancer, and the pictures of her losing her hair, looking fragile and thin, and the worst news for anyone...the cancer has spread.

Its all over ET (Entertainment News), Yahoo! Bing, MSN,, facebook, twitter, and GMA (Good Morning America).  The sad thing is I was in high school when Beverly Hills, 90210 made its way into pop culture.  I was a freshman, with long dark brown straight hair and blunt bangs.  I had big plump lips and big eyebrows.  I felt like Brenda a new world...high school in Northwest Indiana in 1990.  Life was good and everything was new.  The digital age was coming, and nintendo and Sega Genesis were all the rage.  MTV still showed music videos (well, now we will have Classic MTV soon, right?).
I grew up with Brenda Walsh and then I became an adult while Shannen played on Charmed.  People my age can relate.  I fought leukemia, so I can relate on another level.

My heart goes out to not just Shannen, but her family as well. My heart goes to everyone who has been affected by cancer.  Family, friends, patients, caregivers...

In fact, today, I talked to my good friend, Sonda.  She is wonderful, we met when we both worked for the same real estate company, practically ten years years ago.  Today, Sonda has her own daycare she runs.  She is passionate about life, God, and her family...and I feel the same, so today was a great day, because I got to talk to my friend, whom I adore.
She reminded me to trust God, he got me this far.  He blessed me so many times, why would he have me go through all I went through with my leukemia, just to let me get trapped up in my own fears...the fears of relapse, the unknown, other health issues, more name it...why would that be?  She is right.  I hold a fear of the unknown very strongly...and it keeps me from doing even greater things in my life.

That has to stop today.  I need to put that fear aside and become fearless.

Suck it up, buttercup!  

Shannen: If you read this, hang in there!  It's not fun, regardless of what type of cancer you have--- chemo every day like me or once every week or two sucks and we are not ourselves, but we are in warrior training through it.  I feel its like a conscious coma, we are going through the actions, we know what's going on, but its surreal and when its done, you won't think it was that bad.  What happens to our bodies makes us think we are experiments--- that we pay for.  Insurance companies are headaches and nightmares that we think about daily.  We miss a lot and we feel like a dish in the china cabinet everyone is afraid to touch----like we might break.  People you love will be scared to come near you or even touch you....why, for various reasons.  Don't let that break you--- be strong, be you.  You are not alone, and you will get through it.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Breaking the Facebook Habit

Lately, I've been glued to fb.  I don't know why, I just have. 
I'm not as busy as I would like to be at work, and my mind loses focus and I am always catching myself checking my facebook.
Now, I know it can be a great marketing tool in my profession, so I try to post things on my public page a few times a week.  I also try to make comments on my friends pages to keep me 'top of mind'.

Today, though, I decided to put it down and leave it be until Tuesday.

Today, I saw pictures from one of my closest friends recent wedding.  She was one of my dear friends in high school, albeit it a super long time ago.  She never really would post anything on facebook...until this past week...including her fabulous wedding photos.  She looked great, everything looked perfect (maybe that's just it...everything looks too fun and perfect with other's posts).

It was depressing.  Depressing for me, as I saw other people we went to high school with that she obviously stayed in touch with...and I wasn't one of them.  More and more, I notice that the people I went to high school with really don't care about me and never did.  I was never someone's good friend that they wanted to keep touch with.  I need to hold on and pause:  There are 2 people that I have kept in good contact with.  I love them with all my heart, and I am super happy for them always.  They are the best.  The 60 or so others from high school that didn't care I had cancer or just don't make any comments on my posts...screw them.