Friday, July 31, 2015

Ahh the end of the month! Craziness Ensues

Yep, you got me two days in a row.  Not that anyone is reading (seriously, if you read this, please leave me a comment and let me know!)

Trying to grow my business, I have started a postcard mailing featuring some of my best recipes.  I bought some extras, too, to send to ones I want to add or to leave when I door knock.  Yes, I door knock.  I am a proud door knocker and I will be doing it today, and soon.

August's postcard is a recipe for my gingerbread cookies.  August's enewsletter is a recipe for Cherry Walnut coffee cake.  September's postcard will be for Cherry-Walnut Coffee cake and the enewsletter I haven't decided yet.  I need to coordinate them to be the same...will do that for October.

Man, I have a lot to do today, but I really wanted to share a few pictures I took this morning of our lovely fairgrounds---

Sometimes (even when its crazy) you need to stop and appreciate the finer, simpler things in life.  I had to include the pic of Frank from the other day, too.  That was also taken at the fairgrounds...he's always looking for something there!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Wow I've forgotten to blog all summer

I'm sorry about that.
I've been busy, and it hasn't been easy.
Back at work, with a great company, and I have been hitting the pavement (literally), trying to find clients interested in buying/selling real estate.

Real estate is filled with highs and lows, for all parties involved.  I feel sometimes like I am on a roller coaster of a ride, yesterday I was worried, today the worry got worse, but now I'm at a point that we had some small happy bumps and that it will work out.  The feelings as an agent are ridiculous.  I know I shouldn't take it to heart, but I can't.  I work so hard and want my clients to get their best deal/home/sale that it becomes too emotional for me.  Maybe men have it easier in real estate in that aspect, I don't know.  I am so emotional for my clients it really isn't good for me.
However, typing this and getting my feelings out is helping.  This five minutes today of venting that I'm worried and want everything to go smoothly and that I need more clients is actually helping me get through the rest of the day.  Gosh, I love real estate, but when you were forced to take a break, you kinda forget the highs and lows that come with the job.  I need to keep it a bit less emotional, though.

I can work on that, I think.